Solicitors in Leeds
accident claims solicitors leeds

Product Liability Claims

If you have been injured due to a product which was faulty or badly made, you may be able to claim compensation for your injuries.

There has been a spate of incidents in the press recently relating to faulty products causing damage and injuries to people. It can be any type of product ranging from children’s toys to tumble driers.

Manufacturers and retailers have clear rules and laws which they must follow in relation to consumer safety. Failure to adhere to these rules can give rise to faulty or sub-standard products which can cause injury or damage.

Your legal rights are the same whether you purchased a product online or in a shop.

The main issues which often lead to faulty products are:

Below are a number of examples of where faulty products have given rise to injury and compensation claims.

We are specialists in claiming compensation for injuries sustained as a result of faulty products. We offer a free initial consultation where we will assess your claim and advise you on the best way forward. Please contact us for more information on making a ‘no win no fee’ compensation claim.

IQ Law are Personal Injury Specialist who deal with No win No fee Accident Compensation Claims including road traffic accidents, accidents at work, accidents in public places, child accidents and criminal injuries compensation.