Work Accident Claims
If you have been involved in an accident at work, that wasn’t your fault, you can make a claim for compensation. We can take on your claim on a ‘no win – no fee’ basis.
You can claim for a number of things such as loss of earnings and pain and suffering which were caused as a result of the injury.
Employers have a duty of care to ensure a safe working environment and safe working practices for their employees. This includes carrying out risk assessments and providing the right tools and correct safety equipment for the job.
If you have suffered an injury due to someone else’s negligence you can make a claim for compensation.
Claiming compensation for a work accident
We are specialists in claiming compensation for workers injured as a result of someone else’s negligence. Contact us to discuss you claim and we will assess the circumstances of the accident and tell you the likelihood of making a successful claim.
We will gather all the necessary evidence including medical evidence from your Doctor or hospital. We may also inspect the workplace or any relevant machinery as well as interviewing any witnesses to the accident.
It is important to remember that all employers are required to take out Employers Liability Insurance to insure themselves against accidents in the workplace. In the majority of cases it will be the insurers who pay out the compensation and not the employer directly.
If I claim against my employer, can they dismiss me?
This is the most common question we are asked about work accident claims. Some people are concerned that claiming against their employer may endanger their job.
Again, it is important to reiterate that it will be your employer’s insurers who will pay out any compensation that you are entitled to.
Your employer cannot lawfully dismiss you simply for making a claim for compensation against them. Employment laws exist to protect you against this type of action.
If you have any questions about this, or making a claim for compensation on general, please contact us for more information. See also our Accident Claims FAQ page for more information.